The Sensory Garden
In 2011, KICK supported Mandeville School, a primary school in Ealing for children with severe learning difficulties aged 2-12 years. The school sent us this note, explaining how our contribution has helped.
“Following a generous donation from KICK, two sound systems were installed: one in the sensory garden and one in the sensory courtyard.
As a school we strive to give our children a wide range of experiences. The additional opportunities that having access to music in an outdoor environment offers are numerous, including:
Social interaction with their peers; enjoying the shared experience of listening to music
Communication opportunities
Encouraging movement
Fun and enjoyment
Curriculum enhancement, for example next term one of the topic is 'Our Senses' and having the opportunity to experience listening to music outside will add to the children’s experiences
Opportunities for music lessons to take place in an additional setting to the music room
Adding a new dimension to social functions involving the whole family. For example we are hoping to arrange an international evening next academic year and having an outdoor sound system will enable us to use music either for performances or to add to the party atmosphere.
The pupils, their families and staff at Mandeville School have benefitted from the money raised by KICK. Thank you for your generosity and support.”